Episode #8 (December 25, 2020):
Raw Card:
Segment: Edge opens up Raw. Edge wishes everyone happy holidays and thanks the WWE Universe for being with him through all this. Edge then thanks his wife Beth Phoenix. Look, without her, I probably wouldn't have won the match honestly. She was the reason for my win. She is the reason I'm doing this today and you all witnessed that first hand so thank you, Beth. Edge continues saying that tonight he received an early Christmas present. He gets one final opportunity to put Daniel Bryan and Chad Gable down for good by facing them in a tag team match, but of course, he needs a partner. Edge says he's been thinking all morning and he's got some people in mind. Suddenly, Randy Orton comes out. Orton hugs Edge and they are all buddy, buddy again, reminiscing about Rated RKO and stuff. Orton thanks Edge for choosing him as his partner tonight. He's excited to get back on track and what better way than some old school dream team action. Edge welcomes Orton but says that he hasn't made a decision yet so he will think about it. As much as he wants to, he thinks he needs to step away from the dream matches and look towards the future.
Match #1: Aleister Black vs. Tony Nese
-After the match, Black lifts Nese up once more and hits another Black Mass.
Video Package: Sit-down interview with Paul Heyman. Heyman says that admittingly, TLC was a disappointment. The match was Roman's but one slip and that's it. But my client is not done. We believe that we belong at the head of the table and we will be there once again. That's why I am announcing that my client Roman Reigns will be in the Royal Rumble. And we already have his number. Roman interrupts and pulls Heyman from the interview, scolding him for saying too much.
Match #2: Tommaso Ciampa w/ Crews, Tozawa vs. Oney Lorcan
-After the match, Ciampa goes to break Lorcan's arm. Heavy Machinery runs out to save Lorcan again but Crews and Tozawa cut them off. Ciampa breaks Lorcan's arm
Segment: Backstage Interview with Shayna Baszler. Baszler says that on Sunday she proved once again that she is the Women's Divison. You may think you are tough enough to take on me, but, as Candice LeRae learned, you are mistaken. I came up in the Octagon, created by the hard steel and the brutal blows. I had to learn how to be tough. LeRae never had to learn how to be tough. She wanted to be tough while I needed it so badly that I became it. SO next time you think you can take me on Candice, think real hard, think real hard about what I have done to you and what more I will do. Charly then asks if she is looking for other potential challengers. Baszler says there is not a single woman in this entire division who can match up to my level. Charly says that some people are mentioning Rhea Ripley. Baszler responds saying like I said no one.
Match #3: Peyton Royce, Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke vs. Sonya Deville, Nia Jax & Tamina - Tis The Season Six-Woman Tag
-Rose pins Tamina
Segment: Bryan is scolding Gable about TLC saying that Gable is probably not the future of wrestling. Gable says that just because he didn't help him win at TLC, doesn't make me not the future, you lost Daniel. Daniel yells back that he did not lose. Beth Phoenix illegally entered the match and they deserve a rematch. It is only fair Gable. Gable questions this asking Bryan that if you don't get what you want you just demand a do-over. Bryan tells Gable that now he is learning.
Match #4: Rhea Ripley vs/ Liv Morgan w/ Green, James
-After the match, while Ripley is getting beat down by Morgan, Green, James, Riott runs out to make the save.
Segment: Announcement: Next week it will be Drew McIntyre vs Dijakovic in a #1 Contender's Match for the WWE Championship. Backstage Interview with Drew McIntyre. McIntyre says that he wants to face Keith Lee for the WWE Championship, but before he does that he needs to take care of Dijakovic, then he can focus on challenging Lee. And next week is when it all comes together when I face Dijakovic and beat him to become the #1 Contender.
Main Event: Edge & Mystery Partner (Ricochet) vs. Daniel Bryan & Chad Gable
-Ricochet pins Bryan with the 630 following Edge's Spear
Smackdown Card:
Show Opener: Kevin Owens opens up Smackdown with the Intercontinental Title "At TLC I showed Sheamus who really deserves this Intercontinental Championship! I'm still sore as all hell almost a week later but that won't stop me from proving that I deserve this title. To do that I'm going to be holding an open challenge tonight! If you want a shot at this title, then come and get it!" Owens waits in the ring for his opponent and Samoa Joe comes to the ring to answer the call.
Match #1: Kevin Owens vs. Samoa Joe - Intercontinental Championship Match
-During the match Joe has Owens in the Coquina Clutch, when he falls back to lock it in Owens rolls through and pins Joe's shoulders down and gets the win.
Segment: The New Day and The Street Profits are backstage and throwing a Christmas party for the staff and locker room. Woods says "Wow this party rules!" Montez Ford responds "Of course it does! With us and you guys teaming up on it this year there was no way it was gonna be bad! I'd like to propose a toast!" everyone in the room pays attention to Ford "I just wanted to say Happy Holidays and whatever you are celebrating this wonderful season, this is for you!" everyone cheers and gets back to partying. Then Morrison and Andrade arrive and generally just start being jerks to everyone in the room. The Street Profits warn them that if they keep acting up and ruining the vibes they'll take care of it, personally.
Match #2: Toni Storm & Piper Niven vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross
Video Package: An episode of Firefly Funhouse starts. We see Bray Wyatt standing by the door which is cracked open and he's talking to someone behind it. He closes it and sees the camera "Oh! Hello, my Fireflies! I'm sorry I didn't see you come in! Today on the Firefly Funhouse we have a very special friend visiting us today in the Funhouse!" Bray walks to a desk and clips on a tie and acts like a late-night talk show host. "Well today we have a very special guest, he's someone who has accomplished a lot here in the WWE, has fans all over the globe, and he's your Universal Champion Sami Zayn!" The Camera pans over and we see a Sami Zayn tied to a chair with the hurt glove shoved in his mouth. Bray pulls the glove out of Zayn's mouth and asks "So Sami what was it like retaining that Universal Championship at TLC?" Sami freaks out "LET ME GO YOU LUNATIC! HOW DID YOU EVEN GET ME HERE?!" Wyatt is visibly sad "Now Sami, you're a guest here and it isn't very polite to call people names. You aren't showing me very much respect." Sami says "I DON'T CARE. YOU'RE CRAZY AND I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE" Sami struggles in his chair and Wyatt says "What's wrong Sami? Leaving so soon? Well maybe you'll want to stay when I introduce... my other guest." the lights go dark and Bray goes under the desk and slowly rises back up as the Fiend. Sami freaks out and manages to struggle out of the ropes that were tying him to the chair and goes to run away when the Fiend grabs him, looks him in the eyes, and says "Let me in!" the camera cuts to black
Match #3: Mastiff vs. Kalisto
-After the match Mastiff helps Kalisto to his feet and shakes his hand
Segment: We come back to the party which is still happening and everyone is enjoying themselves despite Morrison and Andrade's interruptions. Breezango arrives and the party is thrilled! The New Day welcomes the new guests! Breezango accepts the welcome and says they're stoked to be there. Then Andrade "accidentally" bumps into Woods who spills eggnog all over Breeze. Breeze gets pissed off that he has Eggnog in his hair and shoves Woods into Morrison who then shoves Kofi. Morrison Andrade and Breezango team up on The New Day and start to beat them down, then The Street Profits come and make the save and even the odds. The party-goers disperse and the brawl continues until GM Paige comes to break up the fight and yells "ENOUGH! I approved this party so we can get some Holiday cheer on Smackdown not so you guys can have a place to fight! If you wanna fight you'll do it in the ring! All of You!" she points to the New Day and Street Profits "are going to be taking on all of you!" points to M&A and Breezango "In an 8 man tag match tonight, however since you ruined the Holiday party we'll take that Holiday Spirit to the ring in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight!"
Match #4: Natalya vs. Carmella
Segment: Sasha Banks comes to the ring with her title. "Turns out after all that talk, the Queen couldn't step up to The Boss. She ran her mouth all that time, and it turns out at TLC I proved it was all bark and no bite! I made 'the Queen' tap and retained my Smackdown Women's Championship! I'm not going to just give this title up, if someone wants it, they're going to have to rip it from my cold dead hands!" Sasha throws down the mic and holds up the title.
Main Event: Morrison, Andrade & Breezango vs. The New Day & The Street Profits w/ Big E - Miracle on 34th Street Fight