Episode #13 (January 29, 2021):
Raw Card:
Match #1: Ricochet vs. Akira Tozawa w/ Crews
-Tomasso Ciampa on commentary, puts over that he wants to defeat Ricochet personally at Royal Rumble
-Bryan & Gable watch the match backstage
-After the match, Ricochet leaves the ring quickly
Segment: Backstage Interview with Daniel Bryan & Chad Gable. Charly asks Gable about his thoughts on what went down last week. Daniel Bryan instead responds saying that Gable doesn't need to answer that. The question is what is WWE Management going to do to make sure we get what was rightfully ours from the get-go. Last week was a travesty for Chad Gable and now we're just moving forward with it. Unbelievable. Chad Gable is one of the best athletes this locker room has to offer. But no matter, if we aren't getting the US Title shot, then we are entering the Royal Rumble and winning the WWE Championship.
Segment: Sit-Down Interview with MVP & The LLC. MVP says that the 3 of them have been training quietly for the Royal Rumble but in our absence, some people believe that they are the best tag team in our division. First, off One Nation, you've been ruining amok in the entire locker room and honestly, I have no place for that. Hospital bills cost money, money that we would rather keep than waste on your shenanigans. And Reed & Ruas, we watching you two, on the come up. We respect it. But I'll tell you now, you ain't ready. But we aren't going to talk about that just yet. We're looking at the Rumble. Bigger fish to fry and that's the Rumble. Once we win that, then we can fix this sorta Tag Team Divison issue, then put our minds towards Keith Lee. But one step at a time, that's how you build a business.
Match #2: 1st Half of Change Your Luck Gauntlet Match
Peyton Royce vs. Lacey Evans
Peyton Royce vs. Ruby Riott
Video Package: Rhea Ripley's Announcement that she is entering the Royal Rumble. Ripley says late 2020 has been rough for me, but I'm coming back stronger, hungrier, and I want the Raw Women's Championship. There are not many people in this locker room that can take down Shayna Balszer, and all of them have fallen. Except for me. I am the next Raw Women's Champion. I will be your Royal Rumble winner and I will see you at Wrestlemania.
Match #3: 2nd Half of Change Your Luck Gauntlet Match
Peyton Royce vs. Billie Kay
-Kay lays down for Royce, saying she wants her to win the Rumble in an emotional moment
Peyton Royce vs. Bayley
-Bayley attacked Kay as she was leaving with a kendo stick and laughs and stuff at Royce and Kay. Then she goes down for the match
Segment: Backstage Interview with Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke. Charly asks them about what happened last week. Rose says honestly that look we were wrong. We pinned the crime on the wrong people, but boy is it at all surprising that its; Green and James. Brooke agrees to say that those two are like high school bullies. Luckily we know how to deal with bullies. Suddenly, James and Green attack from behind with Liv Morgan cheering them on. Then Morgan grabs the microphone from Charly and says that I've been dreaming about my Wrestlemania moment all year and at the Royal Rumble, I will finally "liv" the dream. That's right, I'm in the Rumble. No one is stronger and hungrier than I am. I am the locker room leader and these girls agree and I know deep down you do too. We aren't an exclusive club, just a club for the best. Come on ladies. And the three of them leave.
Segment: Randy Orton walks out with the chair from last week to cut a promo. Orton says that last week my friend has turned his back on me, a man he shared this ring with for years. And he blew me off. I invite him in to relive the team of Rated RKO but the fact of the matter is that he has no interest in me and frankly Edge, that upsets me. You know what I get upset, I start hearing things and those things sorta take control. And last week Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali saw the brunt of that. You caused their pain Edge. Their blood is on your hands. But I am not here to give you guilt, I am here to promise you one thing. You see, Edge, I don't like it when someone makes me upset. I don't like it when you hurt innocent people Edge. That is why I am going to make your life a living hell. You need to realize Edge that you are not going to be safe. When the opportunity exists, I will take what is yours. Our relationship goes back to the ruthless aggression era and that is where we will return. I will bring you torment that you never realize. But it will be at the point best for me. I'll see you then.
Main Event: Keith Lee & Drew McIntyre vs. Dijakovic & Roman Reigns - No DQ, Tornado Tag Team Match
-Dijakovic pins McIntyre
Smackdown Card:
Show Opener: Kevin Owens opens up Smackdown with The KO Show! Owens grabs a mic and says "Tonight isn't just any ordinary KO Show, Tonight is very special and let me tell you why. He grabs a folder off of the empty guest chair and opens it up to reveal a contract. "This is a contract for an Intercontinental Championship match at Royal Rumble. Paige has already signed off on it and I wanted to make sure you all see me do this so I have witnessed or whatever." He signs the contract and then he says "Now, it only needs one last signature, which leads me to my guest on the KO Show tonight Samoa Joe!" Joe comes to the ring and says "Owens, I'm only out here to sign this right now because I wanted to tell you something face to face as I do, I know you probably threw in some wild stipulation to trick me into some crazy match, but here's the thing." He signs the contract. "I don't really care. Whether it's tables, cages, extreme rules, inferno match, you name it! No matter what stupid choice you made I am going to beat you down, and probably even shorten your career. At the end of the day I'm just better than you, and I'll end this little Title run of yours in any match you want." Owens looks at the signature and says "You know what Joe you read me like a book! I did have a special stipulation in mind for our match this Sunday, since you were so convinced you deserved to win our first match I made sure that no matter what happens, we'd have a defining ending. It won't take just a lucky break to win this one no, no, no. Our match this Sunday is going to be 2 out of 3 falls match! So when I beat you, in front of the whole WWE Universe, you'll have no excuses to hide behind." Joe looks at Owens and laughs and says "Neither will you." Joe backs off and leaves the ring.
Match #1: Carmella w/ Corbin vs. Naomi
Segment: Backstage in the medical area we see Dave Mastiff getting looked over by a doctor. An interviewer asks him if he's medically cleared to compete against Seth Rollins and Buddy Murphy tonight, and if he is who his partner is going to be. Dave says "Yeah they cleared me, I'm not exactly at 100%, still sore but it's gonna take a lot more than what they did to keep me down. As for my partner, let's just say I made some new friends on Smackdown, Rollins, and Murphy won't know what hit em." Dave leaves to go prepare for his match tonight.
Video Package: Firefly Funhouse music hits and we see Bray Wyatt talking to Ramblin Rabbit when he notices the camera. "Oh! Hello, my fireflies! I didn't see you come in! I was just talking to Ramblin Rabbit over here about how he and Mercy have been showing each other much more respect since they had that argument a while back! Isn't that right Rabbit?" "Heck yeah, Bray! Mercy and I are closer than ever now, he hasn't tried to eat me a single time since we talked!" Bray looks at Mercy with excitement and says "Mercy! Is that true?" "You know it, Bray, after what you told us about respecting each other I had a change of heart! Rabbit and I are best buds now!" "Well isn't that just wonderful fireflies! These two who used to be at odds are best friends now! Maybe we should check up on a certain someone to see if they've learned the same lesson yet!" Bray walks over to the door to the funhouse and opens it, Sami Zayn comes into the room, and he isn't tied up, weirdly he looks chipper. Wyatt says "Sami! How have you been? I hope my friend didn't treat you with too much cruelty while you were learning your lesson!" Sami responds "Not at all Bray, in fact, I got you a gift!" Sami pulls a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and it has a card on it that says "Best Friends" on it but the R in friends looks like it's starting to peel off the card. Bray does the home alone face and says "Yowie Wowie Sami! I wasn't expecting a surprise like this! Thank you so much, I guess you have learned your lesson after all!" Sami responds "Oh you know it, Bray! I know now that respect has to be given to be gotten, and I plan on having a lot more respect for the people around me!" Wyatt smiles and says "That's amazing Sami! I'm glad you know that respect is a two-way street! That reminds me, I should show these wonderful flowers some respect and get them some water!" Bray turns around to put the flowers into a vase and when he does Sami grabs a small chair from the ground and bashes it over Bray's back, which takes him down. Sami Zayn runs off the screen and escapes. After Sami escapes however the camera doesn't cut away from the wide shot of the funhouse, the shot glitches and the room is red as the fiend rises up from the bottom of the frame. In the background, we see the flowers with the "Best Friends" card with the R completely gone and we see a headless Ramblin Rabbit next to a Bloody Mercy the Buzzard. The Fiend jumps at the camera and it cuts away.
Match #2: Bianca Belair vs. Sonya Deville
-After the match, Sasha Banks attacks Bianca while she celebrates her win. Sasha goes to lock in the Banks Statement and Belair reverses and gets the upper hand and starts to beat down Sasha. She sets Sasha up for the KOD but Sasha wriggles out and slides out of the ring, She looks surprised Belair was able to get the upper hand. Bianca stands tall in the ring.
Segment: Morrison and Andrade are in GM Paige's office with The Usos and the two teams stare each other down. Paige speaks up and says "Now that you're both here, let's get this over with because I still have lots of Royal Rumble numbers to pull today." She pulls out a contract for a Tag Team Title match at Royal Rumble "This contract is for a standard one-fall tag team match at Royal Rumble for the Tag Team Championships, Morrison Andrade, do you accept the terms?" They look over the contract quickly and nod their heads. "Usos, what do you guys think?" The Usos look it over and nod as well. She says "Great. As long as both teams accept the terms you can go ahead and sign. The two teams sign their contract and get in each other's faces. GM Paige splits them apart and says "Woah woah woah, save it for Sunday guys. Now you are all dismissed because I have lots of work to do." The two teams leave.
Match #3: AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole
Main Event: Mastiff & Mystery Partner (Big E w/ New Day) vs. Seth Rollins & Murphy
Segment: After the Main Event as the commentary team is signing off we hear them say that they have something going on backstage. We cut to a shot of Sami Zayn running through the parking lot trying to get to his car. He finally does and struggles to unlock the door with the keys because he keeps looking behind him. He finally gets in and goes to peel out when suddenly The Fiend appears in front of the car. He starts marching towards the car and Sami floors it, hitting the Fiend and knocking him over the car and Sami guns it out of the parking lot as the Fiend lays battered on the ground. However, after a few seconds, we see the Fiend bridge up and that is the shot that brings SD to a close.