Episode #13 Card (Nov. 13, 2018):
Show Opener: Undisputed Era self-promotion promo, talking about how they are here to takeover, Styles comes out and admits he lost but it's because they cheated, they outnumbered him, but he's got people to back him up. The Bar come out and Sheamus challenges Kyle O’Reilly to a fight next. Match #1: Kyle O’Reilly w/ Fish, Strong, & Cole vs. Sheamus w/ Cesaro -AJ Styles on commentary -O’Reilly and Cesaro yell at each other on the apron, O’Reilly moves so Sheamus hits Cesaro with a Brogue Kick, O’Reilly hits Sheamus with an armbar and Sheamus tries to get the rope break but Fish moves the ropes farther away. RESULT: KYLE O'REILLY WINS -Following the match, Undisputed Era brag to AJ Styles, Styles fights back with forearms but gets outnumbered Backstage Segment: Charlotte Flair enters GM paige's office, Paige welcomes her back, The Country Club come in and want a match with Flair, Paige is like "wut?", Flair says it's fine, I'll have the match, Paige allows Flair to pick her partner for tonight. Match #2: Dan Bryan vs. Finn Balor -Following the match, Bryan leaves and eats a Claymore from Drew McIntyre RESULT: DANIEL BRYAN WINS Match #3: The Usos vs. The Revival RESULT: THE REVIVAL WINS Backstage Segment: Nia Jax and Bayley are talking about what happened last week, Nia Jax blows Bayley off and leaves, Charlotte Flair comes in and asks Bayley to be her partner tonight, Bayley says she would love to, but she needs to figure out what's up with Jax because they haven't talked all week. Match #4: Mojo Rawley vs. Mike Kanellis w/ The Miz RESULT: MOJO RAWLEY WINS -Following the match, The Miz gives Mojo the “huh, I see you” nod and then helps up Kanellis. Backstage Segment: Charlotte Flair asks Carmella to be her partner, and she says no. Flair turns around to find Becky, and Becky Lynch explains how she won't be Flair's partner and leaves. Tamina walks up and says she'll be Flair's partner, Flair asks why, Tamina wants to also beat up The Country Club because she finds them annoying as hell. MAIN EVENT: The Country Club vs. Charlotte Flair & Tamina RESULT: THE COUNTRY CLUB WIN