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S1 Episode 12 Card

Episode #12 Card (Nov. 6, 2018):

Show Opener: Miz TV w/ The Calgary Kid. The two talk about how lame Dan Bryan is, Bryan comes out, thinks about talking but instead decides to charge the ring. GM Paige stops Bryan and decides to make a match between the two of them tonight. A Steel Cage match. Match #1: Roderick Strong w/ Fish & O’Reilly vs. Cesaro w/ Sheamus -Adam Cole on commentary -Styles attacks Cole from behind the announce table, O'Reilly goes to help Cole, eats a Brogue Kick, Fish runs over and jumps off the steel steps and hits Sheamus with a knee, Strong hits Cesaro with End of Heartache, then Undisputed Era bounces RESULT: RODERICK STRONG WINS Promo: Becky Lynch comes out and talks about how she is the best woman in the division and how she has beaten the undefeated Ronda Rousey. Nia Jax’s music plays and she jumps Becky Lynch from behind. Bayley comes out and stops and calm down Jax and then the two leave. Match #2: Rey Mysterio vs. Bray Wyatt -During the match, Harper with a Goat Mask comes out and stands at the entrance ramp, Mysterio gets distracted. RESULT: BRAY WYATT WINS -Lights flicker and Harper is gone, Wyatt follows looking for Harper Backstage Segment: Wyatt finds Harper with goat mask backstage, Wyatt is scared and doesn't know why Harper is doing this, says Abigail has been deleted, lights then flicker, when they come back on, Harper doesn't have the goat mask and he is confused how he got here. Match #3: The Usos vs. The Revival RESULT: THE USOS WIN MAIN EVENT: Dan Bryan vs. The Miz - Steel Cage Match -The Calgary Kid throws a chair into the ring and The Miz uses it on Bryan -Bryan tries to escape, The Calgary Kid tries to stop him, Bryan rips off Kid's mask, it's Mike Kanellis, Bryan pushes him off the cage and into the announce table -Bryan uses the chair and throws it at The Miz and hits him with a running knee on the chair on The Miz RESULT: DANIEL BRYAN WINS

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