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S2 Episode 15 Card

Episode #15 Card (July 30, 2019):

Show Opener: Finn Balor opens SDLive. He's asked the question, "Where have you been?" Balor says that he's been doing a lot of reflecting. After my match at Backlash, it's been tough. It made me realize that maybe I've been relying on the demon a little too much. And I thought maybe i can prove that the man, Finn Balor was ready. So when GM Paige called me up and ask if I could face Daniel Bryan at Stomping Grounds, I thought that was my chance to redeem Finn Balor. But obviously, that wasn't the case. But here's the thing, I'm back, and I'm not giving up. Those loses won't stop me from getting my title. And if it means starting at the bottom, then so be it. The Velveteen Dream comes out and says "I don't believe you Finn. I think the demon's still in there. It's dormant. And I want it to come out because you've only used the demon against the best of the best and I am the best of the best. So where is it Finn?" Balor responds saying that the demon is gone but if you want a match, Finn Balor is happy to oblige". Dream says that he only does matches on his terms and his terms are The Dream vs. The Demon at Summerslam. Show up if you're man enough.” Then Dream leaves. Match #1: Tamina vs. Shayna Baszler RESULT: SHAYNA BASZLER WINS -Following the match, Baszler says that Riott's win at Stomping Grounds was a fluke. Baszler challenges Riott to a Last Woman Standing match at Summerslam. Match #2: Heath Slater vs. Keith Lee - 24/7 Championship Match -Slater tries to back out of the match, but then fakes leaving to try and hit a clothesline on Keith Lee, who reverses it into a Pounce.


Segment: Natalya cuts a promo where she says she has enough of Charlotte Flair thinking she is better than everybody else, tired of her thinking she is the queen, just because she is a Flair. And at Summerslam, she's going to take the championship away from her. Then, Bianca Belair comes out and challenges Natalya to a match right now. Match #3: Natalya vs. Bianca Belair -Charlotte Flair on commentary -During the match, Natalya has Belair in the sharpshooter, and then Charlotte Flair attacks Natalya from behind with the natural selection and then puts her in the Figure-8, but Natalya doesn't tap RESULT NATALYA WINS VIA DQ Segment: The Woken Warriors come on the screen and Matt Hardy says that he's been gone for far too long. And despite putting his woken brilliance away in the Lake of Reincarnation, It has seem back into the Universe, not just in him but his obsolete mule, Bother Nero. Matt Hardy says that tag team division has gotten caught the rehabilitation and now the woken warriors want in. Matt Hardy says that at Summerslam, The Authors of Pain will meet with the legends of old Matt and Jeff Hardy. Then the two laugh away. Match #4: Roman Reigns vs. The Miz w/ Braun Strowman - WWE Championship Tournament Round Two Match RESULT: ROMAN REIGNS WINS -Following the match, The Miz yells at Strowman for causing him to lose. Strowman has enough of Miz’s treatment. So he attacks him and hits him with a running powerslam. Miz gets injured for 12 weeks during the match Segment: The IIconics say they are open to any competitors on any brands, and they want challengers to come out tonight. The Country Club comes out and challenge The IIconics, IIconics accept and stare-down. Main Event: Kofi Kingston vs. Daniel Bryan - DQ FINISH - WWE Championship Tournament Round Two Match -During the match, Bryan gets mad at Kofi kicking out of pins and submissions. Bryan puts the LeBell lock on Kofi, but Kofi gets the ropes, Bryan however keeps the LeBell Lock on and gets disqualified. RESULT: KOFI KINGSTON WINS VIA DQ Following the match, people run out and pull Bryan off of Kofi, but Bryan attacks them. Then he goes back to putting the LeBell Lock on Kofi, then he leaves to a chorus of boos.

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